10 Reasons to Use HCG Diet | Weight Loss Clinic | CWLC


10 Reasons why you should try HCG Diet

hcg diet

by Anand Thakkar, MD. ~

There are so many weight loss programs these days. With everyone coming up with diet plans, we can’t be quite sure about the right weight loss plan for us. It is always best to consult with an expert before choosing a diet plan. Having said that, let us see one of the best forms of Diet which helps in tremendous fat loss, the HCG diet.

HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, it is the process where injections of HCG hormones are given which provides a calorie restriction that helps you focus on your calorie deficit and lose fat. So here are 10 reasons why you should try out the HCG diet.

1. Burns fat (adipose tissue)

When you inject HCG (human chorionic gonadotropic hormone) into your body, it forces the body to burn this tissue called adipose, which is fat. A proper calorie diet along with this HCG injection can help you lose about a half to a pound every single day.


2. Full body weight loss

With HCG injection, you will get to experience losing fat in all parts of the body. Chin, neck, arms, thighs, neck wherever your body has stored weight, HCG will burn the fat. HCG also helps you reduce fat in areas where it is not usually possible in regular dieting.


3. Reduces fat, preserves muscle

One of the many advantages that you can get out of an HCG diet plan is that it focuses on reducing fat without affecting the muscles. Most of the other diet plans will not only burn fat but also reduce muscle mass. The worst part is that the fat returns before muscle once you stop the diet. There is no such problem with the HCG weight loss plan since it targets only fat.

4. Improves metabolism

While you are on a low-calorie diet, you tend to have hunger pangs. You may feel like eating and you will never get the feeling you are full. You may get the urge to eat and the weight loss plan eventually fails. With HCG, your body uses the stored fat and improves your metabolism.

5. Limits appetite

One of the many reasons a low-calorie diet plan fails is because of the appetite. When your calorie intake is less, you always feel hungry and end up eating more while you are on a diet. And it becomes a never-ending cycle. Since HCG is an appetite suppressant, you don’t feel hungry. You are not short of nutrients as well since you get them from the stored fat.

6. Energetic while on the diet

You often feel a lack of energy, fatigue, hunger, and irritation while you are on a low-calorie or very low-calorie diet. You feel hungry but you cannot eat which can cause frustration. HCG injection triggers metabolism and helps you keep your energy levels intact.

7. Less calorie intake

While you are on an HCG weight loss diet plan, the number of calories you consume will drop. With HCG injections, you will be able to easily stick to the diet plan because of its enhanced metabolism in the body.

8. Regulates Hormones

You may have tried different diet plans & weight loss programs but still struggled to lose weight and never found out why. There are high chances that it could be because of hormonal imbalance. HCG injection will restore your hormones and chances are your weight loss struggle will become less of a struggle.

9. Improves stamina

With any weight loss program, your ability to physically exercise increases and you start breathing freely. With HCG, your stamina and the strength to do physical activity improve to a higher level because it preserves your muscle mass.

10. Fast results

While other diet plans take time to work in your body, the HCG diet and weight loss plan work much faster. There is no need for heavy exercise or workouts. A simple calorie diet along with HCG can do magic in your weight loss goal. Without changing much of your lifestyle, you can lose about 25 to 30 pounds every month.


So there you have it, the top 10 reasons why you can choose the HCG diet for your fat loss journey. That being said, you need to be taken through that process in the best way possible and who is better than the Chicago Weight Loss Clinic to get you through that hurdle. So what are you waiting for, fix an appointment and start your weight loss journey now!

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